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Catechesis on prayer: 36. Jesus, model and soul of all prayer
Jesus had a profound life of prayer that was fundamental to His relationship with His Father (and his disciples). Each of the pivotal moments in Jesus life and ministry were

Catechesis on prayer: 35. The certainty of being heard
One of the most challenging aspects of prayer is when it seems to go unanswered. This is a universal experience, particularly in cases of praying for sick loved ones. It

Catechesis on prayer: 34. Distractions, time of barrenness, sloth
In his catechesis, Pope Francis addresses common difficulties in prayer and strategies to overcome them. Prayer is a battle and requires perseverance due to three main challenges: Distractions: The mind’s

Catechesis on prayer: 33. The Struggle of Prayer
In this catechesis, Pope Francis discusses the challenges and importance of prayer in the Christian life. Prayer is not always easy or comfortable, but rather a struggle that requires perseverance

Catechesis on prayer: 32. Contemplative Prayer
Reflecting on the importance of contemplative prayer, Pope Francis explains in this catechesis that contemplation is not just action, but a way of being that allows us to see reality

Catechesis on prayer: 31. Meditation
Christian meditation is not simply a matter of introspection and reflection seeking inner peace, but rather a method of prayer, a means of seeking and encountering Jesus Christ, above all