Grade School, Middle School, and High School
“Let the children come to me and do not hinder them” - Matthew 19:14

Types of Retreats

Facility Use Retreats

  • School uses the retreat house facility only and is responsible for planning, execution, stipends to speakers, music, emcee, etc. Youth Coordinator is not responsible for the planning or execution but is available for assistance in planning, if needed.
  • Covers the cost of cleaning the common areas, bathrooms, trash, utilities, and consumables.
  • Pricing:
    • Less than 20 students - $100
    • 20-50 students - $200
    • More than 50 students - $225
  • No Administration Fee needed

Retreat Collaboration

  • The school works in unison with our Ministry Coordinator on content, planning and design. When personnel other than the retreat house or school staff is used, the stipend amounts are passed along to the school or parish.
  • Pricing:$230
  • Includes “Retreat Administration Fee” (See fee below)

Full Retreat by Retreat House

  • Put on solely by retreat house. The school has input into the theme.
  • Retreat House creates and organizes all of the:
    • Talks
    • Activities
    • Prayer teams
    • Small group leaders
  • When personnel other than the retreat house or school staff is used, the stipend amounts are passed along to the school or parish. See Customary Stipend Amounts.
  • No charge for one priest from the Retreat House (Mass, 1 hour of confessions, speaker) and the Ministry Coordinator for the entire retreat.
  • Pricing: $300
  • Includes “Retreat Administration Fee” (See Fee)

Retreat Administration Fee

  • Included when selecting a collaborative or full retreat house retreat.
  • Pricing:
    • Less than 50 students - $35
    • 50 or more students - $50

Customary Stipend Amounts

  • A school can choose to increase these amounts as these are passed along to the school. Retreat house will cut the checks and distribute.
  • Emcee - $100 - present all day
  • Speaker - $25 per talk
  • Musician - Local, 2 hours $50
    • If more than 40 miles round trip: mileage is paid
  • Small Group Leader, help with Activities or Prayer Team Member
    • Volunteered time
  • Confessor Stipend - If more than one priest from the retreat house is needed: $30 per hour - per priest
    • If school provides, then no charge
  • Snacks & Drinks Fee - Per Student
    • Jr. High & High School $1.50 Grade School $1.00

How to Get More Information

If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer Ambassador or would like more information about this program simply send an email to Sarina Stokes, Outreach and Ministry Coordinator at [email protected] or call her 402-512-9518.