Do you think Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House is a special place to encounter Christ? If the answer is YES, we want YOU for the Volunteer Ambassador Program. Individuals in the Volunteer Ambassador Program receive training so that they can increase awareness of the retreat house, encourage people to go on retreat, and assist the retreat house while on retreat or during a hosted event.
Ambassadors are often the first people our guests encounter when arriving at the retreat house. As a Volunteer Ambassador, you will be extending hospitality and relaying information regarding the many services and features offered at the retreat house.
All volunteers receive training to become familiar with Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House operations and gain the knowledge needed to enhance the welcoming experience for our guests.
All volunteers receive training to become familiar with Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House operations and gain the knowledge needed to enhance the welcoming experience for our guests.
Volunteer Requirements
We ask that our Ambassadors embrace the mission of the retreat house which is:
As a Catholic ministry in the Diocese of Lincoln, our Mission is to provide a sanctuary and experience which leads people to encounter Jesus Christ. Through inspiring retreats and warm hospitality, we seek to transform and renew the spiritual lives of all desiring the opportunity to listen to the Holy Spirit and know the Father’s love, peace, and healing.
Throughout the Year:
- Ambassadors act as an advocate for the retreat house in their own parishes encouraging their fellow parishioners to attend a retreat.
- Attend at least one retreat per year at Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House.

Prior to the Retreat Beginning:
- Be praying for the retreat master as they prepare their talks for the weekend
- Be praying for the retreatants as they prepare to go on retreat that no road blocks appear that would keep them from attending
Friday Evening Assistance:
- Assist the Retreat House Director with greeting retreatants as they arrive
- Help with check in at the front desk
- Show retreatants to their room, help with luggage
- Explain where the parking lot is
- Give a tour of the facility as needed (examples might include where to find the: First Aid kit, “Forgot Something” supplies, extra linens, snacks and drinks, exercise room in basement or where the entrance to the lower level is in case of severe weather.)
- Encourage retreatants to sign up for weekend volunteer opportunities (lead a rosary, wake up bell, lead the music, etc.) and be prepared to lead the rosary if needed.

Assistance During Retreat:
- Gain training for technology to provide for our virtual retreatants throughout our weekend retreats.
How to Get More Information
If you are interested in becoming a Volunteer Ambassador or would like more information about this program simply send an email to [email protected]. We can answer any questions you may have, help you get signed up, and arrange your training session.