eBook: The Beginning Steps of Prayer
With Fr. Gary Coulter
Open Dates
The Beginning Steps of Prayer
Written by the Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House director, Fr. Gary Coulter, this eBook offers resources and explanations of different types of prayers, along with simple exercises to begin to cultivate or deepen your prayer life. An eight chapter “How to Pray” Prayer Series: The Beginning Steps of Prayer.
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Fr. Gary Coulter
Fr. Gary Coulter has served as Director of Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House (goodcounselretreat.org) for eleven years. Previously he was pastor at St. Mary in Ashland and St. Joseph in Greenwood, Nebraska. His Theological Studies were at Mt. St. Mary Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD and he was ordained a priest in 1999 for the Diocese of Lincoln (Nebraska). After three years of high school teaching and parish ministry in Lincoln, he did graduate studies in Canon Law at Santa Croce University in Rome. He is director of Unbound ministry and also works in the marriage tribunal and as…
Learn more about Fr. Gary Coulter
Fr. Gary Coulter has served as Director of Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House (goodcounselretreat.org) for eleven years. Previously he was pastor at St. Mary in Ashland and St. Joseph in Greenwood, Nebraska. His Theological Studies were at Mt. St. Mary Seminary in Emmitsburg, MD and he was ordained a priest in 1999 for the Diocese of Lincoln (Nebraska). After three years of high school teaching and parish ministry in Lincoln, he did graduate studies in Canon Law at Santa Croce University in Rome. He is director of Unbound ministry and also works in the marriage tribunal and as…
Learn more about Fr. Gary Coulter