Jill Metz - US National Director, Flame of Love

Jill lives in Fort Wayne Indiana and has been married 25 years and has 2 young adult children. As a Catholic convert, sacred artist, and the US National Director of the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Jill expresses a joy and spirit of gratitude, as well as a passionate love of service to the church and “winning souls for Christ.”
Upon Jill’s conversion into the Catholic Church, her husband, Ken, experienced a “re-version“ and together they fell in love with the Catholic Faith.
Jill is a sacred artist and began painting saint icons after she experienced a miraculous healing in her eye, due to the intercession of Saint Lucy. Jill takes special care to discover and grow in relationship with the each Saint that she paints and has learned to listen and respond through the strokes and colors on the canvas. She states that maybe her little fiat, can help others come to know and love the Saints through sacred art.
Jill and her husband love the Catholic Faith and through the years, they have enjoyed serving as High School Youth Minister, RCIA Coordinator/ Sponsor, EMHC, in various roles of the pro-life movement, as well as chaired fundraising events in their diocese. Ken and Jill also serve with Equestrian Order of the Holy Sepulchre of Jerusalem.
Today, Jill offers presentations on Marian Consecration and the Flame of Love of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, as well as sharing her fascinating and dramatic personal conversion story.