Marian Sisters of the Diocese of Lincoln

Sister Marta and Sister Theresa, the foundresses of the Marian Sisters, were members of the Mercy Sisters of St. Francis in Czechoslovakia. In 1950, they escaped Communist rule in Czechoslovakia. Bishop Kucera invited them to serve at St. Thomas Orphanage. In 1954, the Marian Sisters were established as the first Lincoln diocesan religious community. In 1963, Marycrest Motherhouse was built. The Community received Papal approval in 1983. The Sisters followed the Franciscan Rule and their own Constitutions. Their charism is to “Do God’s Will joyfully in imitation of Mary and Saint Francis.” The Marian Sisters teach in Catholic schools in Lincoln, David City, and Wahoo. Sisters also serve at St. Gianna Women’s Homes, Villa Marie, and the Diocesan Chancery.
Events with Marian Sisters of the Diocese of Lincoln

April 17 - 19, 2025
Retreat starts Holy Thursday Evening at 6:15pm, ends Holy Saturday 1:30 pm Holy Week Retreat for Young Women This retreat, held at Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House in Waverly, concludes the Lenten season with the Sacred Triduum from Holy Thursday to Holy Saturday. It is an opportunity for single young women, aged 19-32, to experience Christ’s deep love through meditation on his passion, death and resurrection. It is a time to ask the Lord: ‘Make our hearts like yours.’ In this way we will receive a heart which is firm and merciful, attentive and generous, a heart…