Desert Days at Good Counsel Retreat House

A Quiet Day of Recollection and Reflection


What is a Desert Day?

A "Desert Day" or "Quiet Day" refers to making a day of recollection and reflection, taking a day for silence and prayer. It is a day we spend with Jesus, "going out into the desert" with Him, listening to Him in the silence of our hearts. By removing distractions, the Desert Day is a day to abide and rest in the Lord, allowing Him to speak by giving Him our complete attention. As with all prayer, we need to carefully guard the time we set aside for God, not allowing the busyness of life to steal it away.

How do you make a Desert Day?

Not many of us will go find an actual desert like Jesus did, but we do need to make the time and find a place to encounter God’s stillness. Therefore, we are setting aside specific Desert Days at Our Lady of Good Counsel Retreat House to help you do that. For those who have been here, it is an opportunity to reflect on the graces of your retreat, perhaps to read your journal or notes in the very place those gifts were received. And for those who have not been here, it would be a simple introduction without having to spend a night. Come by yourself or with a friend!

What do you do on a Desert Day?

Our day should include times for meditation, spiritual reading, rest, and exercise or time outdoors. But don’t over plan too many activities or books; allow for the movement of the Holy Spirit. Also be careful not to turn our recollection day into a vacation, or just busy ourselves with all the things we personally wish to get done. The purpose of the day is to be with God, and everything we do should be ordered to that end.

When and how long is a Desert Day?

Not everyone has the same 9-to-5 schedule, so we invite you to consider taking a Desert Day even if it's shorter or longer, earlier or later. Simply arrive by 9am and depart at your convenience in the afternoon. A suggested donation of $20 includes the day and lunch (or $10 and bring your own food); $50 if you would like a private room for the day (advance registration required). The basic schedule is 7-9am check-in and coffee, 10am Confessions, 11:15am Mass, Noon lunch, 1-4pm Adoration with conference, departure anytime.

How do you schedule your own Desert Day?

No pre-registration is needed to come on a quiet Desert Day; simply arrive before 9am if you want lunch (advance registration is only required if you want a private room for the day.)


Dates Name  
March 12, 2025 Desert Day Reflection March 12 (Ash Wed rescheduled)
April 25, 2025 Desert Day Fri. Apr 25 (Feast of Our Lady of Good Counsel)
May 20, 2025 Desert Day Tues. May 20